It’s the first day of November, and I’m going to focus on thankfulness this month. Of course, being thankful every day of the year is important, but maybe if we practice extra hard this month it will be easier all of the other days.
As someone who deals with mental health challenges (depression and anxiety), it’s especially important for me to watch what I’m thinking. Too much negativity can really cause me to spiral down into depression.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t believe we can just think our way into better mental health, but positive thinking can be part of our plan for maintaining emotional wellness. Being thankful just might bring us more peace and joy. (But don’t forget about counseling, medications, and a great support group like Fresh Hope.)
I’m going to be doing a daily Facebook live video every day this month. After it gets recorded, I’ll add it to a “Thirty Days of Thankfulness” playlist on my YouTube channel. I invite you to check out one or the other and let me know in the comments what you think about thankfulness. Consider starting a list of things you’re thankful for this month and see how many things you can write down.
Showing thankfulness to others could also be helpful. Write a letter to someone you’re grateful for. Tell them how much they mean to you. It will make their day! Take a minute to really thank the waitstaff or store clerk after they’ve served you. They probably don’t receive enough thanks for the job they do.
In my Facebook live series this month, I plan to share a Scripture verse and a poem every day. I won’t post all of them here on my blog, but I’ll let you read the ones I shared today (you can check it out on Facebook or YouTube if you’re interested in the ones I’ll share the rest of the month).
Here’s my poem:
Lord, I don’t feel very thankful today
Life is busy and my anxious thoughts get in the way
Help me focus this month on the blessings I receive from you
If I’m going to find the strength to persevere, that’s really all that I can do
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” (Colossians 2:6–7 NIV)
Is it time for you to practice being thankful? What are three things you’re thankful for today? Write them down somewhere and keep adding to the list. How can focusing on God help you feel more thankful?