Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Transformation

Do you ever feel like you need a change?

Lately I’ve been more aware of the negative way I see my body and how I feel when I look at myself in the mirror.

I’ve been listening to podcasts like Compared to Who? (Heather Creekmore) and Intuitive Eating for Christian Women (Erin Todd and Char-Lee Cassel), so I know the answer isn’t going on a diet or trying to exercise my way to a smaller body.

I know God loves me just they way I am and I need to learn to love myself. I also am aware that I often run to the kitchen for a snack when I feel a range of emotions. It’s especially bad when I feel boredom, frustration, or sadness. Eating when I’m not hungry isn’t good for me, so I’ve been trying to figure out how to get out of those bad habits and be more balanced in how I feed my body.

I heard Michelle Rayburn interview Jennifer Smith Lane on her Life, Repurposed podcast in May and I decided to order two copies of Jennifer’s book Transformed: Eating and Body Image Renewal God’s Way. I just started going through it with a friend and I’m already feeling differently about myself after doing part of the first lesson.

The sentence that keeps coming to mind whenever I’m tempted to think negatively about my body is “I’m God’s masterpiece.” I would never put down a beautiful painting by a master painter, and I don’t have to critique the way God made me.

I can’t wait to see how my thoughts are transformed as I study the rest of the lessons. Maybe I’ll get free from my emotional eating and I might see a physical change happen to my body, but even if that doesn’t happen, I’m looking forward to a better mindset and more peace.

I want to look more and more like Jesus when people see me. That will be a wonderful transformation!

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV)

Do you need to be transformed? How can focusing on God help you allow the Holy Spirit to change you so you look more like Jesus?