Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on the Meaning of Life

The speaker in our Sunday school video a couple of weeks ago was expounding on the verse in Hebrews 5 that says, “Though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!”

Derwin Gray surprised me when he stated that Jesus himself was the solid food we need in order to become mature Christians.

I had always thought that the basics of the faith were the “milk” we started with as new Christians, and that the “solid food” was all of the doctrine we could learn about after we became Christians.

What a revelation to realize that we just need Jesus to become mature and grow as Christians.

This past week Gary and I spent time at a conference at The Cove in North Carolina. One of the main points I took away from the teaching sessions by Jim Cymbala was that Jesus just wants us to be with him.

I forget that so often. I get hung up on if I’m doing enough for God. I worry that I’m not studying the Bible enough. I think about so many things that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of life.

The meaning of life? The vitally important activity for a Christian?

Being with Jesus.

When we spend time with him, the rest of life will make more sense. He’ll give us the wisdom and guidance we need. We’ll know how to spend our time and our money. We’ll feel more peace. We’ll show more love.

Jesus is the solid food, the bread of life, that will sustain us every day of our lives.*

“Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.'” (John 6:35 NIV)

Have you been satisfied with just “milk” in your spiritual life? How can focusing on God help you spend time with Jesus—the bread of life?

*If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior, you can read more about becoming a Christian at my other website, The Robyn’s Nest, on the About Me page.

4 Replies to “Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on the Meaning of Life”

  1. Agree 100% that all we need is Jesus!
    I think another way to view the message in Hebrews is to look at it from a level of maturity.
    Are we taking the lessons that Jesus gives us and working improve our Christian walk?
    Maturity in this sense might mean taking what we learn and putting it into application. How is maturity in Christ shown in our lives, are we reflecting, are we making adjustments in our daily life, are we loving others, are we putting God first, or are we living according to how our sin directs us?
    Either way this post is good for starting the process into some good self-examination and finding points to help make changes no matter how slight or large.

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