Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on What We Keep

When I hear that I’m running out of storage, I get a little anxious.

I got an email that my Dropbox account was almost out of room, so I went in and downloaded the pictures I had stored there. I hardly ever use Dropbox anymore, so it’s not a big deal. I can probably delete the account as long as I have the pictures on my computer.

Well, after that I remembered that a message keeps popping up on my computer that says: “Almost out of storage. If you run out, you can’t save to Drive, send and receive email on Gmail, or back up to Google Photos.”

This stresses me out. When I check Google Drive, I can see that I’ve used 83% of my storage.

Then I check my laptop and see that I only have 45 GB free of 475 GB. My computer isn’t that old. How could I have filled it up with so many files?

It’s because I keep too much.

Even though I never even look at the majority of the files on my computer and at Google Drive, I feel like I have to keep them…just in case. I may need that someday is my primary thought.

Truth is, I probably won’t need most of those files. I don’t even go back to the ones I would use (like pages of song lyrics or guitar chords). It’s easier to just type something in the search bar and make a new document instead of searching for it on my computer.

Wondering about when I’m going to run out of storage and what’s going to happen then adds a subtle layer of stress to my life, even if I’m not constantly thinking about it. It’s buzzing away in the recesses of my brain, getting louder every time a notification pops up.

Deleting files (and getting rid of physical things I don’t need or use) brings some relief to my anxious heart. When I focus on the people in my life and the Lord I love (instead of all of the things around me), I can enjoy life more and I feel more free.

I think it’s time to spend a little time each day deleting files. No more pushing up against the storage limits. I only have so much space on my computer and I only have so much space in my heart and mind. I want to make sure I’m saving plenty of room so I can love God—and the people he’s given me—well.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:1–3 NIV)

Are you running out of storage space in your heart and mind? How can focusing on God help you let go of some things so you have the capacity to love God and others well?