Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Letting the King Order Our Days

I love it when a verse pops out at me while I’m doing devotions in the morning.

Today I was reading in Nehemiah. There are many lists of names in that Old Testament book, so it can be hard to stay focused and find something inspirational.

All of a sudden, I noticed this sentence about the musicians: “They were under royal orders, which determined their daily activities.” (Nehemiah 11:23 NLT)

That thought really hit me and I’ve been pondering it all day. Am I letting the King determine my daily activities?

Way too often I drift through my days, jumping from one activity to another and not really accomplishing anything of significance.

What if I were to let God (my King) order my days?

My day might end up being more satisfying if I woke up in the morning and asked, “God, what do you want me to do today?”

When I feel that familiar wave of boredom wash over me, I might be able to ride on top of it instead of being drowned by it if I would just ask my King what he wants me to do next.

He might prompt me to work hard on my latest writing project.

He might suggest that I write a letter to a friend.

He might tell me I need to relax and watch a movie with my husband.

The possibilities are endless, but we need to develop the habit of asking God, “What now?”

We only have a certain number of days here on this earth. Imagine all we could accomplish if we let the King order each of those days.

“The musicians were under the king’s orders, which regulated their daily activity.” (Nehemiah 11:23 NIV)

Who determines your daily activities? How can focusing on God help you to find fulfillment in every day?

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