Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on New Life

Gary and I became grandparents this week. Halston James Hodge was born on Tuesday. He’s healthy and precious and so very cute. Our daughter Erin and her husband, Ayden, are thrilled. So are we.

I’ve been marveling at it all week. A brand new human has entered this wonderful, chaotic world. He’s innocent and blissfully unaware of the negative aspects of life on this planet. He just enjoys the love and care of his parents. When he cries, they feed him, or change him, or comfort him.

I can’t wait to see how his personality develops as he grows up. I’m amazed that I can love someone I haven’t even met yet (but I will very soon!).

His future is full of amazing possibilities.

I can’t help but think about the new life we have when we make Jesus our Lord. His sacrifice on the cross took away the penalty for all of our sins—past, present, and future. Even though we’re aware of the negative aspects of this world and the problems that can plague us, we don’t have to be afraid. We can grow up in our faith, knowing that nothing can separate us from our Father’s love for us.

Our future is full of amazing possibilities.

Congratulations, Erin and Ayden, as you welcome Halston into your family. We’ll be praying for all of you!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV)

Aren’t babies amazing? How can focusing on God help you to remember the new life you have in Christ and live into the possibilities God has for you?

8 Replies to “Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on New Life”

  1. Congratulation! Halston is so sweet! Enjoy your time with them next week! Give them all a big hug from me.

  2. Awwwwwww! He’s adorable! When you get to hold him, your hearts will be full of joy!! 🙂

  3. Congratulations, Robyn! Babies are such a blessing from God! Praying God will use you in his life to point him to Jesus!

    1. Thanks, Susan! They are so precious. We get to meet him and hold him on Thursday. Can’t wait! (Maybe I’ll read him a Bible story, too. They’re never too young, right?)

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