Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Special New Books

I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die.

How’s that for a catchy book title? It sure caught my eye. I jumped at the chance to get on Sarah J. Robinson’s launch team for this beautifully written book.

If you have ever struggled with depression and anxiety (especially if it often leads to suicidal thoughts), then I highly recommend that you read this book. If you know someone who deals with a mental illness, you can also benefit from Sarah’s honest and helpful words (especially appendix A).

Sarah doesn’t just share her story. She takes the reader on a journey to explore the pain that depression brings and come to a place of acceptance. Sure, she shares lots of great insights and ideas that will help someone with a mental illness get to better places emotionally, but the parts I liked best were the paragraphs that reminded me that I’m not alone. Other people feel the way I do at times. All of us can live wonderful lives in spite of a mental illness like depression.

I’ve written other Focus Friday posts about depression (and I’ll keep writing about it, of course). I want to share my story and help others. Maybe if enough people start reading books like this and go on to share their stories, we won’t feel so alone when we’re pushing through the bad days.

I’m learning more and more that it does no good to fight my depression. I enjoy the good days and I show myself grace on the bad days, knowing they’ll pass and things will get better again.

I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die releases on May 11. I preordered a copy (even though I already got to read a digital copy). I can’t wait to read through it again and use it as one of the tools that keeps me healthy.

Order a copy, too. You’ll be glad you did!

“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15 NIV)

Do books help you accept your depression or other mental illness? How can focusing on God help you to live well in spite of that illness?

Here’s a link to a beautiful short video where you can see Sarah Robinson talking about the book: