Terrific Tuesday: Let’s Focus on Wandering

I have no good excuses for why I’m posting late on a Tuesday night.

I’ve been busy and a little more stressed lately, but I’ve had plenty of time to write a blog post.

Maybe it boils down to self-sabotage. I’ve had so many weeks of posting on Focus Friday…maybe my brain protested in disbelief. Or, it could be something closer to what I saw on a TV show I was watching recently. One of the characters was musing about why she wasn’t doing something and she came to the conclusion that it was because “they” had told her to do it. She didn’t like being told what to do. Could I be that rebellious that I don’t even want to do something I tell myself to do?

Whatever the case, I just kept putting off writing this post.

And then I saw someone else’s blog post referring to the song “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.” They made some insightful observations about verse 3 and their tendency to wander. I’ve always loved that verse, too.

“O to grace how great a debtor…Daily I’m constrained to be…Let thy goodness like a fetter…Bind my wandering soul to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love; Here’s my heart, O take and seal it. Seal it for thy courts above.”

I am prone to wander. Maybe you are, too.

We’re prone to wander in our bodies (to places we shouldn’t go, or to eat things we shouldn’t eat, or to do things we shouldn’t do).

We’re prone to wander in our hearts (to love certain people or things more than God).

We’re prone to wander in our minds (to thoughts that get us into trouble as we believe Satan’s lies or trust ourselves instead of God).

As soon as we become aware of our wandering ways, we need to make a conscious effort to turn back to God. By constantly giving Him our heart and renewing our resolve to live according to His word, we’ll stay close to Him and we’ll be less likely to wander.

“How can a young person [or an older woman] stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray [wander!] from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:9-11 NIV – brackets mine)

Do you often find yourself wandering? How can focusing on God help you to stay close to Him and live with purpose?

Terrific Tuesday: Let’s Focus on Perseverance

I’m so sorry, dear readers.

I couldn’t seem to get myself to write on Focus Friday.

And then I missed Super Saturday.

Sensational Sunday slipped by with no desire to write.

I almost gave up when I got to Marvelous Monday, but here I am.

It’s Terrific Tuesday and I’m taking a few moments to write, even though I’m terribly late.

Why? Because I want all of us to think about perseverance.

Truth is, I’ve been struggling a bit these last few days. I stayed in bed until 9:00 today, something I haven’t done for many months. I’ve been feeling kind of blah and lazy in general lately. It’s discouraging because I had been feeling very good for quite a long time. When you deal with depression, a few down days can lead to feelings of panic if you’re not careful. “Oh no, it’s coming back!”

But I don’t have to panic. I know what to do to stay healthy emotionally, and I know who to reach out to if things don’t get better.

First, I need to think about what may be contributing to my low mood.

I realize there are several things: I missed a couple of days of exercise; I’m stuck back at June 1 in my One-Year Bible; I’ve been going to bed a little later than I should; my thoughts are leaning toward the negative too often; and someone in our community died by suicide recently.

No wonder I’m not feeling the best!

Next, I need to make plans to turn things around.

I’m going to get back to my morning exercise routine; I’ll take the time to read my Bible each morning; bedtime will be close to ten again; I’m going to catch my thoughts and make sure I’m focused on what is true and good; and I’m going to persevere, even when I hear about yet another person who tragically couldn’t do that.

Finally, I’m going to make sure I’m living a focused life.

Letting everything in life push and pull me around so that I don’t focus on one thing will only bog me down in confusion and despair. Focusing on God first, and then the things He leads me to will keep me purposeful and hopeful.

I need to remember that my faith and perseverance may help someone else who is struggling. Sure, it’s not a big deal if I write my blog on Tuesday instead of Friday, but I’m going to do my best to stick as close to that schedule as possible.

Thanks for being patient with me, friends. I’m going to persevere, and I’m praying that you will, too.

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12 NIV)

Do you get tired of trying sometimes? How can focusing on God help you to turn your thoughts around and decide to persevere?

Terrific Tuesday: Let’s Focus on Spring

Yes, it’s Tuesday. I could probably just skip a post and catch up this Friday, but I decided to write a short one just to remind you of spring and all of the wonderful possibilities it brings.

I chose a snowy pic for my graphic because it seemed fitting for the weird weather we’ve “enjoyed” lately. While Gary and I were traveling last week, we missed a snowstorm back here in Platte that dumped about fourteen inches of snow. In April! Thankfully, most of it had melted by the time we got home.

No matter what kind of spring you’re having, I hope you will take time to notice the trees budding, the flowers blooming, the birds chirping, and the world emerging from months of being cooped up indoors.

Spring seems to bring more hope to our hearts, doesn’t it? We see more sunshine and better weather and we just feel better.

As we get ready for Easter this Sunday, I want to also remind you that it can be “spring” in your soul. Thinking about and celebrating Christ’s resurrection reminds us of the living hope we have in him. No matter what kind of “weather” you’ve been enduring in your heart, you need to hold on to the hope you have in Jesus.

The dark times you may have experienced recently can give way to new discoveries in the light of God’s love. God may show you new growth in your life that you couldn’t notice during the winter of your soul.

Praying that God will do amazing new things in your life this spring.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,…” (1 Peter 1:3 NIV)

Have you had a long, hard winter? How can focusing on God help you to experience new growth this spring?