Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Doing Life Together

A few weeks ago, I attended a Beth Moore simulcast at one of the churches in our town. It was such a wonderful event.

Beth opened up the Bible and shared so much from it with the thousands of women attending the live event and watching the simulcast around the world. She wove in stories from her own life and the lives of others to help apply the principles we were looking at in the Bible.

I think I’m still processing all that I learned that day, but I wanted to take a few minutes to share one point that really hit me hard.

Share your space.

That’s it. Share your space. It can look different for every single woman on the planet, but it is so important.

In today’s society, it seems like we try to do things alone way too much. It certainly is easier sometimes, but we’re missing out when we don’t do life together.

Beth talked many times about how important it is to pass on our faith to the next generation. Depression and anxiety in teen girls has risen greatly in the past ten years. They need to see older women relying on God’s strength and living by God’s promises.

That’s a hard one for me, because I have dealt with depression and anxiety often over the years. But God is doing great things in my life. I’m learning to have better mental heath as I cling to God’s promises instead of all the lies I used to tell myself. (I think that’s a topic for a future Focus Friday.)

Share your space.

Maybe that looks like teaching a Sunday School class. Maybe you invite a group of younger women (or any women) over to cook together, or do a craft together, or do a Bible study together, or just sit and talk together. Maybe your family invites another family over for a meal. The possibilities are endless, we just have to do something.

We might think we’re just doing it for the other person, but the amazing thing is that we will find ourselves benefiting just as much (or maybe even more!).

We will put more time into preparing for these times when we do life together, and we’ll grow in all sorts of ways as a result.

Are you interested in doing life together? Share your space.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17 NIV)

Do you find it hard or easy to share your space? How can focusing on God help you to be more willing to put the time and effort into doing life together?