Super Saturday: Let’s Focus on Every Second

As I was reading someone’s blog post this week, this line stopped me in my tracks: Every second of every day counts.

Wait, what? Every second?

Oh, the guilt that washed over me as I contemplated that sentence. Because, truth is, I don’t always treat every second as if it counts much at all. I’ve piddled away hundreds of thousands of seconds, I’d guess.

What does it really mean that every second counts? Does that mean we should be constantly working, using every second to accomplish our goals and projects? Should we feel guilty when we just sit and watch a sunset, our young child playing, or another rerun of Friends?

To tell you the truth, I’m not really sure what to think about it, but it’s definitely worth contemplating.

I think God wants us to spend time resting, relaxing, and enjoying his creation. So the seconds we spend watching a beautiful sunset or a playing child do count for something. (The rerun of Friends is a bit more questionable, but I think there may even be room for that if we’re spending the rest of our seconds wisely. Or maybe not.)

Where I need some work is really being deliberate about the seconds I have every day. Too often I say that I’m going to work on something “today” or “this week” and then the day or the week is over and I haven’t spent even sixty seconds on that task or project.

That’s why my book proposal isn’t finished. That’s why my podcast isn’t launched. That’s why so many of my good ideas don’t get done.

I don’t acknowledge that every second of every day counts, and so I go through many days distracted and restless, thinking about the things I want to do, but not spending the seconds I need to on them. I’m frustrated and stuck in one place.

If we take each second seriously, we can feel good about the seconds we spend working (because we’ll actually see the results of our hard work) and the seconds we spend relaxing (because we know that we deserve the break and we’ll get back to work again when it’s time). Every second of every day will count and we’ll see forward motion in more areas of our life.

Thanks for taking the seconds needed to read this post. Let’s all make each second count – every day.

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. ” (Ephesians 5:15-16 ESV)

Do you ever think about how every second counts? How can focusing on God help you to use each second wisely, whether you’re working or relaxing?