Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Letting People See Your Stuff

(Yes, that’s our actual stuff!)

We moved to a new city this week.

We packed the majority of our stuff into a U-Haul truck on Monday (with the help of family and friends).

It took way longer than we had estimated. The truck wasn’t full and we had some things left scattered through various rooms of the house, but we had had enough. It was time to go! (We have a small trailer we can use next week to get the rest.)

I was surprised at how embarrassed I felt about some of my things when I realized that people would be looking at them as they carried them to the truck.

So many boxes marked “R – Crafts”!

The beat up old dresser I keep some of my supplies in.

Boxes and boxes of books.

I hid some things, stashing my underwear in a suitcase so curious eyes couldn’t look. Other personal items were boxed up and taped tightly shut so no one could see them.

But most of our stuff was right out there in the open for all to see. No one voiced any opinions about our belongings (although the guys did ask “What is this?” when they contemplated a “unique” wooden box with assorted drawers—Allison had made it in shop class and I can’t part with it). If we wanted help with moving we needed to let people see our stuff.

I think it’s similar with our emotional “stuff.”

Some of the things we feel can embarrass us. Depression, anxiety, anger, shame.

We can try to hide them, stuffing them down where no one can see or covering them up with more acceptable emotions.

But if we want help, we need to let other people see our stuff.

We’re starting a new year. Let’s resolve to get rid of some of our physical clutter in 2022 (I know I moved way too many things I seldom use), but let’s also make plans to be real about the emotional baggage we’ve been carrying for way too long.

Let people see your stuff and ask them for help. That should make this a happy new year!

“Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” (Colossians 3:9–10 NIV)

Do you try to hide your “stuff” (physical or emotional)? How can focusing on God help you to let people see it and help you with it?

Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Moving

Gary and I are in a time of transition. He’s accepted a call to First Reformed Church in Volga, South Dakota. We’ll be moving at the end of the month.

We’re excited, but we’re also sad to be leaving our community and First Reformed Church in Platte, South Dakota.

I haven’t blogged about it yet, but I’ve definitely been dealing with all of the feelings this brings up.

There are times when I look forward in anticipation. What will our new congregation be like? What experiences will we have in our new setting? What will God do in our lives and the lives of those we serve?

There are other times when I start crying because I think about the friends I’m going to miss.

Moving is hard. You’d think we’d be used to it by now. We’ve moved five times before this, but I have to remind myself that every time is challenging. I have to expect the ups and downs and show myself lots of grace when I get a little (or a lot!) emotional.

Unless you’re new to this blog, I’m sure you remember that I’ve dealt with depression for many years. (You can read some of my posts about it by clicking here, here, and here.)

I don’t want to fall apart and get clinically depressed again, so I’m taking steps to make sure I stay healthy.

I’m talking often with my husband, Gary. He’s good at helping me look at things objectively.

I start most mornings with devotions. Reading the Bible and writing down thoughts that comfort and inspire me really helps.

I made some appointments to talk with a counselor online. I don’t think I’ll have to keep seeing someone long-term, but talking things through with a professional helps me get perspective.

I try to exercise almost every morning. Getting those endorphins going is good for my body and my brain.

I don’t beat myself up for getting emotional. Sure, at times it’s a little embarrassing to start crying in front of a friend, but it’s okay. It’s healthy to grieve the connections we’ve made here in Platte.

Most of all, I’m holding tight to hope. I know we’ll get through this move. We’ll miss people, but we’ll also meet new friends. I’m trying to remind myself that God is with us. He has blessed Gary’s ministry here, and he’ll be there as we start over in a new church.

Everything’s going to be just fine.

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” (Genesis 28:15 NIV)

How do you feel about moving? How can focusing on God help you to transition well? (Not perfectly…just doing the best you can!)