Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Names

When a pastor accepts the call to a new church, there are lots of names to learn.

It’s pretty easy for people to remember us. I hear “Hi Robyn!” many times before and after church. I’m getting to know quite a few people, but often I find myself thinking, I have no idea who you are!

Names are important.

When you know someone’s name, there is a certain level of intimacy that doesn’t exist when a person is nameless.

It feels good to hear someone call you by name.

It’s not a huge deal, but I always feel a tinge of disappointment when someone spells my name as “Robin.” They don’t really know me, I think.

But then again, we can sometimes mess up someone’s name even when we know them well. Back at Platte, in the last month we were there, two people accidentally called me by the name of the previous pastor’s wife. They were good friends of mine, they just had a temporary lapse in their memory banks.

I felt a bit incredulous about their goofs, until I stood in line for cookies one Sunday and talked to a guy about something that related to his brother. I realized my confusion when one of his nieces came up and started talking to him. Wait a second, I thought to myself, that’s not his daughter? Oh shoot! I got the two guys mixed up!

It was embarrassing to acknowledge my mistake. I didn’t want to admit that after three and a half years, I had forgotten his name and confused him with his brother. (To be fair, I had way too much swirling around in my brain that morning. Something had to give!)

He was gracious and didn’t seem to hold it against me, but I still feel bad about it.

We are fallible human beings and we won’t always get things right. We just have to do the best we can as we get to know the people in our lives.

Thank goodness we have a God who knows our name. He spells it perfectly every single time and he never gets us confused with someone else.

Before we were born, he knew what we would look like and the personality we would have.

He knows everything we’ll ever do in our life here on this earth.

I’m so glad he knows my name. I’ll keep praising him for how much he loves me and how he knows every single person in this great big world.

As for me, do you think I’m old enough to start saying, “Hi Sweetie!” or “Hey Buddy!” whenever I greet someone? I think I might give it a try!

“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:15–16 NIV)

Do you have trouble with names? How can focusing on God help you feel grateful that he knows you completely? Do you think focusing on God could help you remember the importance of remembering other people’s names, too?

Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Writing Things Down

In my younger years, I prided myself on how much I could remember.

Phone numbers, addresses, Bible verses, trivial facts about the universe. I could keep it all straight and pull up the info whenever I needed it.

In recent years, I’ve clearly lost that skill.

The other day, my friend was helping me paint my new office. (Yes, I finally chose a color. I’ll blog about it soon.) As we worked, she mentioned a couple of books she had loaned me. One of them she wanted back after I had a chance to read it. The other one she wasn’t as concerned about.

I was shocked! I had absolutely no recollection of borrowing those books. I’m usually so good about writing down things I have borrowed and making sure I return them at some point. These books weren’t even on my radar.

I apologized and assured her that I would look for them and get them back to her.

Later that day, I dug into the back row of books on the shelf by my desk. Sure enough, both books were there, buried behind a row of other books I plan to read someday. They are on my desk now, and I’ll make sure I read them both in the days ahead.

It may seem like a silly thing, but things like that can shake me up if I’m not careful. I hate to think of people considering me irresponsible or careless.

My friend was gracious, and I’m so glad she asked. If she hadn’t, who knows how long it would have been before I figured out I had her books?

I didn’t beat myself up over my mistake, but it did remind that I have to write things down (and keep the note in a good place where I’ll be sure to see it).

My brain just doesn’t have the bandwidth to retain all of the info in my life.

I need to write down items borrowed, due dates for bills, times and dates of appointments, and things I need at the grocery store.

I also need to write down other things I don’t want to forget.

Fun things we did on vacation. How I got through a rough day. Times when I can see God working in my life.

If I don’t write it down, I just know I’m going to…

Now, what was I saying?

“This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Write in a book all the words I have spoken to you.” (Jeremiah 30:2 NIV)

Do you have a good memory? How can focusing on God help you to remember the important things in life (especially when you write them down)?

Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on What We Remember

Gary pulled the plastic center of the bathroom faucet off and told me I had to make a new decoration for it because it was worn out. I protested that I had not made that decoration.

“You did!” he assured me.

“I remember thinking how ugly it was when we moved in!” I shot back.

“You were so proud of yourself when you made it!” he countered.

“If I had made it, I would have chosen different colors and it would have looked nicer!”

Seriously, would I have made something like this?

We were both laughing, but we both were sure we were right. Well, he was. I wasn’t so sure. I wondered if I really had made that silly faucet center two years ago, and how I could possibly have forgotten if I did. Was I losing my mind?

It’s happened before. I can’t begin to count the number of times we’ve started to watch a movie and then realized partway in that we had already seen it. The frustrating thing is that I can never remember the ending. As most of the scenes come up, I think Yes, I remember this, but I have no idea what’s going to happen next.

I’ve been thinking more about remembering lately, especially since Gary’s mom has problems with her short-term memory. When we visit her and ask about anything recent, she just furrows her brow for a second or two and responds, “Hmm, I don’t remember.” I wonder what it would be like to never remember what I had just eaten, the conversation I had just had with one of my children, or what I had done earlier that day. Her memory loss doesn’t seem to bother her, though. She’s content with taking one day at a time.

It’s good to see that she hasn’t forgotten the important things. She still remembers her six children and their families. She recognizes them and she knows that she loves them and they love her. At ninety-six years old, maybe that’s enough.

As I get older, I don’t know how long I’ll have my memory. Maybe I’ll forget all of the places I’ve gone and all of the things I’ve done over the years. That’s why I’m glad I have pictures I can look at to remember special trips and events. I’ve filled journals full of my thoughts on all sorts of things. When and if my memory fades, I can spend time looking and reading to remind myself of the life I’ve lived.

They say that many Alzheimer’s patients can still remember songs long after their ability to recognize family members and participate in everyday activities is gone, because key brain areas linked to musical memory are relatively undamaged by the disease.

All of this got me thinking. What do I want to remember?

I want to remember my family.

I want to remember beautiful sunsets.

I want to remember oceans and mountains and canyons.

I want to remember the friends God has introduced me to throughout my life.

I want to remember that God loves me. I want to remember that he has a wonderful plan for my life, even if I don’t understand it at times. I want to remember that even if all of my other faculties are gone, I can still tune into the song of faith God is singing in my soul.

I better write all of this down.

Oh look, I already did! I guess I just forgot.

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” (John 14:26 ESV)

How’s your memory lately? How can focusing on God help you to remember what’s most important?