Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Where Our Thoughts Go

I’ve been dealing with scattered thoughts again lately.

My mind spins as I try to decide what I should do each day.

It flits from one task to another, from one obligation or possibility to the next, never settling on one thing. And so, very little seems to get done.

The Holy Spirit has reminded me in several ways recently that there is really only one place my thoughts need to be going. To Jesus.

If I keep my mind set on him, then all the rest will fall into place (or it may fall away, but that’s okay, too).

We watched a video in youth group this week that really drilled that idea home. It’s called “Falling Plates.” (You can watch it at the end of this post.) It reminded me (once again) that Jesus wants us to follow him and not chase after all of the other things that might tempt us if we just think of ourselves and our flesh.

It’s time to get back to my commitment to catch my thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5). I’m not going to beat myself up for letting my thoughts get out of control, but I’m going to spend more time talking to God about it. I know he’ll help me focus on his truths and the things that are true, lovely, pure, and all the rest (Philippians 4:8).

I hope you’ll consider where your thoughts are going lately, too. Try focusing on Jesus and see if you gain more clarity in life as you go through each day.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33 NIV)

What do you think about most often? How can focusing on God help you gain more clarity and purpose as you live each day?