Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on the Power of a Life

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Gary is preaching a sermon series* called “A Look at a Life” right now at First Reformed Church in Volga. Not just any life. His life. It’s turning out to be a good way to help the congregation get to know him and also examine their own lives as they listen.

It’s uncomfortable at times, even though I know his story. He willingly reveals the sins that he struggled with before he finally made Jesus the Lord of his life.

I squirm a little bit in the pew when he mentions me, because I’m part of his life, but it isn’t out of embarrassment. I just know everyone’s looking at me when he mentions my name. I’m proud of my husband’s witness and I’m glad I’m part of his story.

In a few weeks I’ll be joining him during the message and we’ll share about my experience with depression. It will be scary, but we’re hopeful that people can be encouraged as they hear our story.

There’s power in a life. We forget that sometimes.

It’s tempting to just make it through each day, getting things done and ignoring the things we don’t want to admit. We stuff down the difficult emotions and memories we don’t want anyone to see.

But there’s power in those things. Sharing about the sins we’ve overcome and the difficult experiences we’ve gone through can be inspiring for other people going through the same things.

Gary and I have been visiting with people from our new church. We sit down with them in their homes or the church office and we listen to their stories. We hear about their families and we learn about the challenges they’ve faced.

There’s power there. We have a new level of respect for them when we realize they’ve made it through something difficult. God’s light shines brighter as we see what God has done in someone’s life.

Let’s never forget the power of a life.

Share your story. Someone needs to hear it.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16 NIV).

Do you like to share your story, or is it difficult? How can focusing on God help you know when and where you need to share it?

*You can check out Gary’s sermon series (it started on January 23) if you click here or go to the church website: and click on “Sermons.”