Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Not Giving Up

Fear often keeps us from doing something we really want to do.

I lived with a family in Madrid, Spain during my junior year of college. Early on in my stay, I wanted to go visit a museum that wasn’t within walking distance. My Spanish “Dad” explained that there was a bus stop about a block away where I could catch a certain bus and then transfer to another bus further up the line. I nodded and smiled as he explained, but inside I was a mess. Madrid was a big city and I didn’t have much experience with buses.

When the time came, I walked down to the bus stop, stood there for a few anxious minutes, and then went home and retreated to the safety of my room. When my “Dad” asked how it went, I brushed it off and said I had decided not to go, but he could probably see the shame all over my face.

I was just too scared.

Years later, I decided I wanted to give blood. I had never done it before because sometimes I felt faint just thinking about things like that. On the day of the blood drive, I went to the collection site, walked up to the door, held it open for someone else going in, then let it close and retreated to the safety of my car. I cried in frustration, but I couldn’t go in.

I was just too scared.

I’m happy to report that I didn’t give up in either situation. I had to give myself a little time, but I was determined that I’d try again.

I’ve given blood many times (and I’ve never fainted). Needles aren’t my favorite things, but I’m not too scared to face them so I can help someone who needs it.

In Madrid, I got used to public transportation and used it often to explore that wonderful city. The bus wasn’t my favorite way to get around, though. After I braved the subway and figured it out, I used it so much that my Spanish conversation partner dubbed me the “Queen of the Metro.” I learned to get over my fears so I could have new experiences.

There are many things in life that may scare us—especially the first time we try them.

Think of all we’d miss if we gave up after our first failed attempt.

Let’s try to give ourselves a little time and then try again. Each time it will get a little easier and we’ll feel more confident.

If you really want to do something, don’t give up.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13 NKJV)

Do you want to give up when you’re too afraid to do something? How can focusing on God help you try again (and eventually succeed)?