Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Paying Attention

I had a strange dream the other night. Nothing was going right for me. Obstacles were everywhere, but I kept plugging away, trying to accomplish my goals. As I scurried around, I kept going by two people who seemed upset about something, but I was too busy to stop and talk to them. I was completely focused on my problems.

All of a sudden I took a second to really look at those people and I realized that their car was completely crushed by a huge pole which had fallen from a nearby building. From the trunk to the hood, the pole lay lengthwise on top of their car.

The strangers were freaking out and trying to fish stuff out of their mangled vehicle. (I know they shouldn’t have been able to open the doors if the car was smashed, but hey—it was a weird dream!)

The point is, I finally started paying attention and someone needed my help.

In my waking hours since then, I’ve been pondering how well I pay attention. I’m afraid my focus is often on myself and I don’t pay attention to the people around me who have serious needs.

Our problems are important, of course, but it’s also good to notice the difficulties of others. From now on, I’m going to start paying attention.

I probably won’t have to help people get stuff out of their crashed cars, but maybe I can:

*Send a card or visit someone who is sick or grieving.

*Donate money to a worthy charity.

*Listen to my husband or one of my kids (really listen) when they want to talk.

*Finish writing my book on depression so I can share hope with those who need it.

*Write a blog post to remind all of us how important it is to pay attention.

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise.” (Ephesians 5:15 NIV)

Are you good at paying attention to the needs of others? How can focusing on God help you to notice and reach out when you can do something for someone else?