Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Not Getting Disqualified

I recently submitted a writing piece for a contest. After I sent it, I realized that I had included my husband’s name at one point. We weren’t supposed to have our own name anywhere on the piece, but I hadn’t considered that his name might identify me to the judges.

I shot off a quick email asking if that could be taken out, but the submissions had already gone to the first-round judges. “Unfortunately,” she wrote, “an identifier will probably disqualify the piece.”

I felt sick.

I cried.

I sent one last email, asking if it could maybe be taken out before it went on to the next round.

Her last email empathized with me, but she said that submissions cannot be changed once they reach the judges.

I guess I’ll just have to see what happens and think harder next time I submit something. (The thing that really pains me is that I had taken it out at one point and then I put it back in!)

This experience has given me some insights into the vulnerable places of my heart. Just reading the word “disqualify” brought such a visceral reaction. I’m supposed to do everything to the best of my ability, and if I do that, I can’t be disqualified, right?

But if I don’t follow the rules exactly, I have to be disqualified.

I’m thinking about competing in a swim meet in April. It’s kind of scary because there are quite a few chances to fail. A false start, touching the wall in the wrong place, staying underwater too long before surfacing. All of these can get a swimmer disqualified.

So should I quit entering writing contests and swim meets because I’m afraid of failing?

No, I just have to try my best to follow the rules and learn from my mistakes.

How much more important it is for us to consider our spiritual lives, following what the Bible says and obeying the Holy Spirit’s leadings. We learn from our mistakes and press on, showing ourselves grace as we do our best. If we sincerely do that, we’ll never be disqualified.

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” (1 Corinthians 9:24–27 NIV)

Have you ever been disqualified? How did you feel? How can focusing on God help you live well and not be disqualified?

Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Overwhelm

Overwhelm is a verb. One meaning is “to bury or drown beneath a huge mass.” Another meaning is “to give too much of a thing to (someone).”

So when we say we’re overwhelmed, it’s basically saying that we’re drowning. We’ve been given too much of something.

I’ve felt that way about emails lately.

I had gotten my inbox down to zero and was keeping it that way for a while, but then all of these amazing offers started appearing on Facebook and other places. Free ebooks! Free webinars! Free video series!

I started handing out my email address to get all of these free things and now I’m overwhelmed.

Drowning in emails. The offers I signed up for were all good, but they led to more and more communication and hopes that I’d join their latest online course or program.

And as I peruse all of these emails and videos and ebooks, I’m using precious time that could better be spent writing or doing something else that will move me farther along in the goals I have for myself.

Once again, I’ve lost my focus.

Not completely, though. I have been reading the Bible each morning and talking to God throughout the day. Because I’m doing that, I think God is showing me that it’s time to get out from under the overwhelm. It’s time to unsubscribe from the majority of people sending me emails and just stick to the ones that really help me in my goals, instead of just introducing me to more and more possibilities.

We only have so much time.

Let’s be wise about what we allow into our lives.

That might mean turning off the TV at times, or putting a limit on our social media usage, or unsubscribing from some email lists.

If we do that, then we can focus on the overwhelming love and grace of God in our lives. It’s amazing that “too much” of those things doesn’t bury us or drown us at all.

Instead, overwhelming love and grace lift us up and give us peace.

“I am overwhelmed with joy in the LORD my God!” (Isaiah 61:10a NLT) 

Are you overwhelmed by too many things going on around you? How can focusing on God help you to let go of some of those things so you can experience His overwhelming love and grace instead?