Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on God’s Goodness

I helped with Vacation Bible School at our church this week.

A friend and I did the Bible stories in my garage. It was a crazy week of telling the same story four times in a row each night and being amazed that every time we did it, it was different. It was hectic and a little crazy, but it was fun.

And, as it usually happens when I’m teaching something, I probably learned more than the kids. I needed it.

Every night, we focused on the goodness of God.

When life is unfair…God is good!

When life is scary…God is good!

When life changes…God is good!

When life is sad/When life is good…God is good!

Boy, I needed that. Too often, I get caught up in the disappointments and challenges of life and I try to endure by relying on my own strength. I don’t get very far before I run out of steam and collapse in despair.

This week was a reminder that no matter what is going on (good or bad), I can count on God’s goodness.

When I do something well…God is good!

When I make mistakes…God is good!

When life feels precious…God is good!

When life feels overwhelming…God is good!

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV)

Is it hard to remember that God is good? How can focusing on God help you to remember his goodness in every situation in life?