Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on a Life Well Lived

Gary’s mom passed away on Thursday, December 30, 2021. She was 96 years old and her health had been failing in recent months, but it was still sad to get the call that she had died.

We’re so grateful that we were able to see her one last time on Tuesday of that week. We stopped in on the way to Lincoln, Nebraska with some of our kids. Erin and Ayden were able to introduce our grandson, Halston, to her. Mom was still somewhat responsive and she smiled when she saw that cute little six-month-old. She tried so hard to repeat “I love you” when Gary said his last goodbye to her.

It’s hard to believe she’s really gone.

In the days since her passing, I have heard so many people talk about how my mother-in-law had lived her life well.

Friends and family expressed it at the visitation on Wednesday night.

Gary brought out many examples of it as he preached at her funeral last Thursday.

Our kids, and our nieces and nephews, have talked about it on social media as they reflect on their grandma’s life.

Mom was a quiet, behind-the-scenes type of person who loved the Lord, her family, and her friends. She didn’t have aspirations to see the world or accomplish great things. She was content with what she had and she prayed often for her loved ones.

In recent years, she experienced short-term memory loss. You could visit with her at the nursing home, but she wouldn’t remember you were there unless you made an entry in her notebook (she wrote herself notes there, too, and referred to it often).

She was a wonderful wife and mother. And I can say she was the best mother-in-law I could have ever hoped to have. She and Dad often babysat our kids when they were young. They never critiqued the way we parented and they were always supportive.

Mom was sweet and caring. She loved to play games like Quiddler and Rummikub with us, and she passed on her love of making puzzles to our daughter, Erin, and several other grandchildren.

In the years ahead, I’m sure God will comfort us whenever we think of her.

When I’m making cooked pudding (one chocolate and one vanilla mixed together).

When we drive through Rock Rapids, Iowa and see the street where she and Dad used to live.

When we remember her laughing as she watched movies like Home Alone with the kids.

I wish I could have been there to hear God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

What about the rest of us? Do we have to be more like Gary’s mom in order to live well?

Not necessarily.

God created each of us with unique gifts, talents, and personalities.

We can travel the world, write books, aspire to do all sorts of things, or be the life of the party and still live our lives well.

The important thing is to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. God will show us what he wants us to do each day of the life he gives us.

Let’s live that life well.

“The LORD cares deeply when his loved ones die.” (Psalm 116:15 NLT)

Do you ever compare yourself to someone else? How can focusing on God help you live your life well?

Garlene June Mulder (1925–2021)