Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Writing Things Down

In my younger years, I prided myself on how much I could remember.

Phone numbers, addresses, Bible verses, trivial facts about the universe. I could keep it all straight and pull up the info whenever I needed it.

In recent years, I’ve clearly lost that skill.

The other day, my friend was helping me paint my new office. (Yes, I finally chose a color. I’ll blog about it soon.) As we worked, she mentioned a couple of books she had loaned me. One of them she wanted back after I had a chance to read it. The other one she wasn’t as concerned about.

I was shocked! I had absolutely no recollection of borrowing those books. I’m usually so good about writing down things I have borrowed and making sure I return them at some point. These books weren’t even on my radar.

I apologized and assured her that I would look for them and get them back to her.

Later that day, I dug into the back row of books on the shelf by my desk. Sure enough, both books were there, buried behind a row of other books I plan to read someday. They are on my desk now, and I’ll make sure I read them both in the days ahead.

It may seem like a silly thing, but things like that can shake me up if I’m not careful. I hate to think of people considering me irresponsible or careless.

My friend was gracious, and I’m so glad she asked. If she hadn’t, who knows how long it would have been before I figured out I had her books?

I didn’t beat myself up over my mistake, but it did remind that I have to write things down (and keep the note in a good place where I’ll be sure to see it).

My brain just doesn’t have the bandwidth to retain all of the info in my life.

I need to write down items borrowed, due dates for bills, times and dates of appointments, and things I need at the grocery store.

I also need to write down other things I don’t want to forget.

Fun things we did on vacation. How I got through a rough day. Times when I can see God working in my life.

If I don’t write it down, I just know I’m going to…

Now, what was I saying?

“This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Write in a book all the words I have spoken to you.” (Jeremiah 30:2 NIV)

Do you have a good memory? How can focusing on God help you to remember the important things in life (especially when you write them down)?