Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Believing in What Matters

Is anyone else tired of words lately?

They come at us from every direction. Everyone wants to tell us something, or warn us about something, or sell us something.

It’s exhausting after a while. That’s why I’ve been scrolling faster through my Facebook feed. That’s why I’m sending more and more emails directly to the trash instead of taking the time to do much more than skim them. That’s why I’m avoiding the news on television. Too much of all of those things suck the life right out of me.

It seems like there’s only one time and place where words give me energy and hope. It’s in the mornings when I read my Bible.

This morning a passage from John reminded me that believing in Jesus is the only thing that really matters. If we believe in him, then we’ll live (even after we die physically). And if we live for him, we’ll never die.

You won’t hear that from the words of the world. Those voices want you to believe in yourself, the government, the economy, the entertainment industry, and everything but Jesus.

Those things don’t bring life. They all fall short and fail us sooner or later. Jesus is the only one who will never fail us.

It sounds too good to be true for people who hang on every word the world utters. But it’s not too good to be true. It’s the only thing that is true.

That’s enough of my words for today. Check out God’s words in the Bible and you’ll see how they bring you back to believing in what really matters.

“I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.” (John 11:25–26 NIV)

Are you tired of all the words you hear and read each day? How can focusing on God help you sift through those words and believe what matters?