Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Life, Unedited

Today I edited some video clips into a two-minute movie to show our church members how to install our online church directory on their phones. Our administrative assistant, Melissa, and I had recorded about six parts that had to be pieced together to produce a coherent message.

She did a great job explaining, but at one point we had to switch from my son’s phone to another friend’s phone because he didn’t have space available for the app. The first part of one clip was good, but there was a little goof toward the end. We stopped and started that part over. I clipped and moved and added titles to clarify a couple of steps.

I watched and tweaked it about ten times before I was satisfied that it would sound and look good on Sunday morning. Done!

Do you ever wish you could edit your life?

I sure do.

It would be nice to always have people see me at my best.

When I stumble over my words or say something hurtful, it would be awesome if I could move the marker back in time, cut out my blunder, and start over.

I could scrub broken ankles, bouts with depression, and car accidents from my timeline.

Hours and hours of time frittered away scrolling social media could be deleted and only the productive moments would remain.

We all know that’s not how life works. We’re stuck living out every second of the life we’ve been given—the good, the bad, the exciting, and the boring.

Living life unedited can inspire others. Not trying to hide our failures and setbacks can encourage people to keep going when they have similar experiences.

Let’s do our best and enjoy the life we’re living—in all its unedited glory.

“We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way.” (Colossians 1:9–10 NIV)

Do you ever wish you could edit your life? How can focusing on God help you to do your best and live life unedited?