I love Wheel of Fortune.
I can solve most of the puzzles pretty quickly.
I yell at the screen when someone wastes money buying a vowel.
When Gary’s around, I say, “I should be on that show!” He always agrees.
Trouble is, I’ve been saying that for years. And I never took the time to fill out an application online and make a little audition video.
I’m sure it was fear (it usually is). What if I actually go on the show and make a fool of myself? What if I get nervous and can’t solve a single puzzle? What if I say “and” when it’s a crossword puzzle?
So I didn’t apply. That was safer. That was more comfortable. Until it wasn’t.
Lately it started to bother me that I hadn’t applied. After I watched every show, I felt a strange sensation inside. What if they stop asking for contestants? What if Pat and Vanna decide to retire? What if I never even try?
I finally decided I’d waited long enough. I didn’t want to have any regrets about not doing my part to try to get on the show. So last Sunday I had Gary record me doing my little one minute audition and I filled out the online application. (See the video here or down below.)
It’s a little victory!
In this uncertain time, it may seem silly to try out for Wheel of Fortune, but maybe there’s something you’ve been putting off for a long, long time.
Instead of binging on Netflix and scrolling your Facebook feed, maybe you can do something to get a little closer to one of your dreams.
You want to write a book? Take a blank sheet of paper and brainstorm all the ideas you can about your topic.
You dream of visiting a foreign country? Well, that one may have to wait a while, but for now you could take a half hour and research the country’s most popular attractions.
You want to lose some weight? Write down what you’re going to do for exercise every day this week.
You want to get more organized? Set a timer for fifteen minutes and clean out one drawer.
When you get those things done, you can celebrate your little victories. And lots of little victories will eventually lead to some giant wins.
At least that’s what I’m hoping for when I get to the Bonus Round.
“Hard work always pays off; mere talk puts no bread on the table.” (Proverbs 14:23 The Message)
Do you feel defeated right now? How can focusing on God help you to celebrate some little victories and get closer to accomplishing your goals?