Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Compliments

I’ve been doing The 28-Day Prayer Journey as an online Bible study for a few weeks. Chrystal Evans Hurst does a great job with the videos that go with each week’s lesson, and I’ve been challenged and inspired to make prayer more of a priority in my life.

One of the assignments asked us to make a list of five people we could compliment, either in person or by writing them a note, text, or email. We could either thank them for what they do or praise them for who they are.

I had the neatest conversations with two friends that I texted that day. They enjoyed the praise for who they are and I felt so good just because I took a few seconds to reach out to them. I didn’t expect kind words in return, but it was so fun to receive them.

I made a big mistake, though. I felt so warm and fuzzy that I told my husband about our texts and the assignment.

He got a little gleam in his eye as he asked, “Is that why you told me I’m a great pastor this morning?”

Oops. Yes, but I hadn’t meant for him to know that.

I had been sincere in my compliment, but it suddenly seemed fake and manipulative somehow.

The assignment was good, especially as it helped me think about how I can praise God for who he is and thank him for what he does. I just have to remember that I don’t praise and thank God (or anyone else) in order to make myself feel good or brag to other people.

Getting into the practice of praising and thanking God will almost certainly deepen the relationship we have with him.

Realizing how much we like to be praised and thanked, let’s make a greater effort to shower the people around us with compliments. Maybe you could even make a list of five people and decide exactly how and when you’ll compliment them. You may be surprised by the response you get.

Just don’t tell them I told you to do it.

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 15:5–6 NIV)

When you pray, do you praise and thank God, or do you usually just rattle off your requests? When is the last time you gave someone a sincere compliment? How can focusing on God help you to spend more time complimenting him and others?