Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Doing It Anyway

I don’t feel like writing this blog post tonight.

I was going to wait and make it a Super Saturday, but then I started thinking.

That happens way too often.

I don’t feel like cleaning, so I let the dust build up and the floor gets more and more full of crumbs and dirt.

I don’t feel like saying no to myself, so I eat when I’m not really hungry.

I don’t feel like figuring out what to write, so I put it off another day.

Maybe you find yourself doing that, too. Putting off the things you don’t feel like doing until they become more urgent, and usually more difficult.

So tonight I’m doing it anyway. I don’t feel like it, but I’m writing this post.

This week I started to work on overcoming that tendency to not do the things I don’t feel like doing. I wrote at least 500 words every day on my latest writing project, even when I didn’t feel like doing it. They weren’t all brilliant words and many of them may not make it to the final version of the book, but that’s okay. I did it anyway.

As we begin this new year, let’s all work on doing it anyway.

We may not feel like exercising. Let’s do it anyway.

We may not feel like being kind to our spouse, our children, or someone at work. Let’s do it anyway.

We may not feel like working on that goal we set on January 1. Let’s do it anyway.

We may not feel like reading our Bible, praying, or sharing our faith. Let’s do it anyway.

We may not feel like pressing on when our anxiety or depression gets bad. Let’s do it anyway.

Truth is, we usually aren’t going to feel like doing most of the things we do. But if we do them anyway, I can almost guarantee we’ll feel good afterward.

Well, what do you know! I finished this blog post, and that feels pretty good.

“We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized.” (Hebrews 6:11 NIV)

Do you have a hard time doing something when you don’t feel like it? How can focusing on God help you to do it anyway?

2 Replies to “Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Doing It Anyway”

  1. Thanks for “doing it anyway!” I’m encouraged by those three simple words. I go in phases on not wanting to do things. Usually when the weather is cold I put things off because I don’t want to get out of a comfortable spot. We’re having a mild winter in southern Virginia, so I’m getting a lot of things done-especially outdoors. Have a blessed week, Robyn!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Susan! Here it has been really cold – and we’re supposed to get even colder this week. Sure makes me feel like hibernating, but I’ll try to keep “doing it anyway.” Have a great week! ~Robyn

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