Terrific Tuesday: Let’s Focus on Perseverance

I’m so sorry, dear readers.

I couldn’t seem to get myself to write on Focus Friday.

And then I missed Super Saturday.

Sensational Sunday slipped by with no desire to write.

I almost gave up when I got to Marvelous Monday, but here I am.

It’s Terrific Tuesday and I’m taking a few moments to write, even though I’m terribly late.

Why? Because I want all of us to think about perseverance.

Truth is, I’ve been struggling a bit these last few days. I stayed in bed until 9:00 today, something I haven’t done for many months. I’ve been feeling kind of blah and lazy in general lately. It’s discouraging because I had been feeling very good for quite a long time. When you deal with depression, a few down days can lead to feelings of panic if you’re not careful. “Oh no, it’s coming back!”

But I don’t have to panic. I know what to do to stay healthy emotionally, and I know who to reach out to if things don’t get better.

First, I need to think about what may be contributing to my low mood.

I realize there are several things: I missed a couple of days of exercise; I’m stuck back at June 1 in my One-Year Bible; I’ve been going to bed a little later than I should; my thoughts are leaning toward the negative too often; and someone in our community died by suicide recently.

No wonder I’m not feeling the best!

Next, I need to make plans to turn things around.

I’m going to get back to my morning exercise routine; I’ll take the time to read my Bible each morning; bedtime will be close to ten again; I’m going to catch my thoughts and make sure I’m focused on what is true and good; and I’m going to persevere, even when I hear about yet another person who tragically couldn’t do that.

Finally, I’m going to make sure I’m living a focused life.

Letting everything in life push and pull me around so that I don’t focus on one thing will only bog me down in confusion and despair. Focusing on God first, and then the things He leads me to will keep me purposeful and hopeful.

I need to remember that my faith and perseverance may help someone else who is struggling. Sure, it’s not a big deal if I write my blog on Tuesday instead of Friday, but I’m going to do my best to stick as close to that schedule as possible.

Thanks for being patient with me, friends. I’m going to persevere, and I’m praying that you will, too.

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12 NIV)

Do you get tired of trying sometimes? How can focusing on God help you to turn your thoughts around and decide to persevere?