Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Spelling

I didn’t expect God to speak to me during the Scripps National Spelling Bee this year, but He did.

As I settled in to watch the finals on Thursday night, I was just expecting to enjoy watching a group of amazing kids spell incredibly difficult words. I love spelling, so I try to give my guess before they show it on the TV screen (I’m usually close, but also usually wrong).

The first round of the finals began:

frailejo’n, Stakhanovite, jabiru, Tophet, alloeostrophe, scuppaug…

I got excited when Dr. Bailley gave the next word: kairos. I knew that one! I had heard it during my studies at Northwestern College. It had something to do with time, I thought, but as he read the definition, I was completely convicted:

A time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action: the opportune and decisive moment.

Alice went on to spell “kairos” correctly, but I was stuck on that word for several minutes.

It hit me because I think we miss our kairos so often. We let that moment go by and waste our opportunity to do something significant. And then we do that over and over again, because of fear or uncertainty.

It hit me because this is my kairos. Our children are grown, I don’t work outside the home, I have the time and the talents and the desire to accomplish several crucial actions. I don’t want to waste any more opportunities.

On Thursday night, it felt like God was saying, “Do I have to spell it out for you? It’s time.”

“Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” (John 13:17 NIV)

Is it the kairos for you in any area of your life? How can focusing on God help you to “seize the day” and take crucial action?

6 Replies to “Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Spelling”

  1. I love how God used the spelling bee to speak to you. Kinda hard to ignore a message like that! I’m trying to seize the time He’s given me to serve Him well. There are so many opportunities-online and in real life. Hoping to follow Him and help others along the way.

    1. Thanks, Susan! We all need to make good use of our time. It’s so easy to just go along in our old habits and patterns, but it’s worth it to do more than that when we know God is calling us. I know you’re helping so many people as you minister to parents of prodigals. Thanks for all you do! ~Robyn

  2. Robyn, this was fun and insightful. Loved reading your thoughts! A student at my kids’ school was in the top 15, so it was extra special to hear you were interested too.

    And yes, you are so right about seizing the day when the time is right. I love when the Lord gives us those nudges. ❤️


    1. Thanks, Jenny! So cool that you knew someone in the top 15. I have to keep working on seizing those moments…it’s hard, but so worth it! (And we can’t get stuck on lamenting the moments we missed in the past. We just need to move when God shows us the right time for something.) ~Robyn

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