Terrific Tuesday: Let’s Focus on Spring

Yes, it’s Tuesday. I could probably just skip a post and catch up this Friday, but I decided to write a short one just to remind you of spring and all of the wonderful possibilities it brings.

I chose a snowy pic for my graphic because it seemed fitting for the weird weather we’ve “enjoyed” lately. While Gary and I were traveling last week, we missed a snowstorm back here in Platte that dumped about fourteen inches of snow. In April! Thankfully, most of it had melted by the time we got home.

No matter what kind of spring you’re having, I hope you will take time to notice the trees budding, the flowers blooming, the birds chirping, and the world emerging from months of being cooped up indoors.

Spring seems to bring more hope to our hearts, doesn’t it? We see more sunshine and better weather and we just feel better.

As we get ready for Easter this Sunday, I want to also remind you that it can be “spring” in your soul. Thinking about and celebrating Christ’s resurrection reminds us of the living hope we have in him. No matter what kind of “weather” you’ve been enduring in your heart, you need to hold on to the hope you have in Jesus.

The dark times you may have experienced recently can give way to new discoveries in the light of God’s love. God may show you new growth in your life that you couldn’t notice during the winter of your soul.

Praying that God will do amazing new things in your life this spring.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,…” (1 Peter 1:3 NIV)

Have you had a long, hard winter? How can focusing on God help you to experience new growth this spring?