Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Burying Talents

burying talents for blog

This week in the One Year Bible we had to read the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30. A man goes on a trip and leaves five talents to one servant, two to the next, and one to a third servant. When he returns the first servant has doubled his talents to ten, the second servant doubled his to four, but the third servant buried his in the ground and can only return one talent to the master.

The first two servants receive praise: “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

The third servant hears something different, of course. “You wicked, lazy servant!”

Now, I know that “talents” are amounts of money in this story, but I can’t help thinking of the actual talents God has given me.

This time when I read the parable, my heart said “Ouch.” I sometimes use the talents God gave me, but more often it feels like I just bury them somewhere because it’s risky to use them, it’s scary to do some things, it’s easier to coast along doing things that don’t take much work or talent.

Lazy? I’ll admit that I’ve been that at times.

Wicked? That’s harder to admit. 

As I’m prone to do, I thought a lot about this parable in the hours after I read it. My mind started hyperfocusing on how I haven’t used God’s talents well.

Look at all the years I wasted, when I could have been writing books and helping people with other talents I have.

Those kinds of thoughts don’t do me or anyone else any good. I only have today and the future in which to use my talents. I still have them. The Master has not yet returned. Lord willing, I still have time to invest them and double them in the years ahead. 

I just can’t give in to the temptation to bury those talents and play it safe. So I’ll keep digging them up, dusting them off, and choosing to use them for the Master’s glory.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10 NIV)

Are you using your talents, or have you buried them somewhere safe? How can focusing on God give you the courage to use your talents faithfully?

4 Replies to “Focus Friday: Let’s Focus on Burying Talents”

  1. Robyn, I love how you share about hyperfocusing on how you haven’t used your talents, but then circle back to digging them up and dusting them off to use for God’s glory. I can totally relate to this cycle!

    1. Thanks, Susan! Seems like so many of our struggles in life are a cycle, aren’t they? Overcome for a while, then slip back into old habits and patterns. We just can’t ever give up! ~Robyn

  2. I think you do a great job of sharing your talents. You teach the kids your music, you share your writings to encourage others, you share your mental health experience to help others, and many things I dont know about 😉. Wow! I’d say.

    1. Thanks, Kinsey! Isn’t that funny that you see me sharing them and I see me burying them? I guess I feel like I do the “easy” things like the blog, music, etc. but I bury them when it come to bigger projects like the books I have started and not finished. With God’s help I’ll keep investing in those talents in the months ahead, too.

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